Harnessing the Power of Data Lake Analytics

person using MacBook Air

In today’s data-driven world, organizations are constantly collecting vast amounts of data from various sources. This data holds valuable insights that can help businesses make informed decisions, improve operations, and drive innovation. However, with the sheer volume and variety of data being generated, it can …

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How To Remain Compliant With Data Privacy Laws

Data privacy laws are an essential part of business when dealing with large numbers of online consumers and market research. Companies have the privilege of seeing a lot of personal information when finding out about their clients and setting up profiles. Those clients will give …

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Tech Trends to look out for in 2024

person using laptop computers

As technology quickly develops and progresses, it can be hard to keep up and anticipate its developments. It’s difficult to know exactly what lies ahead when so much changes rapidly. Its rapid evolution has had numerous impacts already across the world, with many of them …

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Ensuring Uninterrupted Operations with Data Centre UPS

person using MacBook Pro

In today’s rapidly advancing and interconnected world, businesses rely heavily on data centres to ensure the seamless functioning of their operations. These digital information and infrastructure hubs are crucial for handling massive amounts of data and providing uninterrupted services to customers. However, one major concern …

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The Power of IoT in Data Centers

a group of people standing next to each other

Living in a digital world has provided humans with wider opportunities. Nowadays, not only human beings but also things can communicate and interact. Due to the rise of the Internet of Things, hardware can communicate with humans. For people, this technology provides more comfortable tools …

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