Emergency Operators: How To Keep Track Of More Places At The Same Time

Emergency operators are tasked with dispatching emergency responders to the scene of an emergency. This is not always easy, because many different types of emergencies can happen in any given time frame. For example, if you’re an operator for a city fire department, then your job will involve responding to fires and medical emergencies. If you work for a private ambulance company or hospital, then your job might include responding to car accidents and heart attacks. The important thing about this profession is that it requires both mental agility and physical endurance to be successful!

Use software to prioritize callers

Emergency operators are constantly juggling multiple phone calls and callers at once. Without software, the operator has no way to determine which emergency is more pressing than another. When software is used by an emergency operator they can easily look into what type of crisis it is, where it’s located in proximity to other emergencies, who else needs their help, and how many people need assistance all before deciding what should be done first.

Many emergency operators have a fleet tracking feature on their mapping software, which allows them to see where each unit is located at any given time. This kind of CAD system makes it easy to determine when one unit may need assistance from another based on location proximity. To further this goal, some planners find that adding more context about vehicle locations helps their dispatchers know how long an ambulance might take in responding to a call. For example, if the primary station is 20 minutes away by car but backup units are only five minutes out instead, then your dispatcher has all she needs without having her screen cluttered.

Create acronyms for commonly needed information

This way when someone gives you new information (especially if it is similar), you won’t have to ask them what they said because you already know! Use preprinted forms with all possible pieces of contact information on them, so there isn’t any confusion over who should go where by mistake. When talking with several different persons, give them each a name to call you by so that they are sure it is the right person. Write down any important information immediately after taking it until there isn’t any more to take in, this ensures nothing will be forgotten!

Try using a paper version of the map

Print out the map and get a pen or pencil. As you are trying to track down the location of an emergency, use both screens side by side so that it is easy for you to see everything at once. You can also write on your paper version as well to keep your place if there’s something else going on around you while tracking where people need help.

You should have multiple tabs open with different maps from various providers such as Apple Maps, Google Maps, MapQuest, Bing Maps, etc… This will allow you to easily monitor other places even when you’re not currently at a computer.

If you have both versions in front of you, it will be easier to find locations quickly for people calling from different parts of the city or county areas.

Use color-coding by location type

Color coding is used to distinguish between various types of emergency service sites. For example, the operator’s map can show where all fire and police stations are located in a given city by color-coding them as such.

Or simply use flags to mark certain locations on the map for later reference (and then delete these markings when they’re no longer necessary). Flagging should be left up to your discretion based on how often you want that location marked — some may only need it done once, while others will require dozens or hundreds of marks. How many times each marker has been used over time helps determine whether one needs updating, too. This same practice works well for hospitals there’s likely going to be a lot of flags and for the homes or other places, you visit frequently.

if doing so would make things clearer for everyone involved in locating these sites faster–not just those who call into a 911 center, but also other personnel who may be working on the same map at the same time.

Have everything ready ahead of time

When you get the call, everything should be organized and in one place. You need to have all your important information ready before making that phone call. Make sure everyone knows what they are supposed to do so there is no confusion or mistakes when it comes time for them to act.

When you need to contact other agencies, make sure you have all the information ready for them, and it is organized, so there isn’t a lot of back and forth. Don’t wait until someone tells you what else needs to be done. Make sure everything is in one place ahead of time.

Organize it so everyone knows what they are supposed to do

Emergency operators must have a systematic way to track calls. If you get multiple phone calls, be sure each one has their file with information unique only to them. This includes name and address, etc. Have all of your employees meet once per week or month. Make it mandatory that every employee attend meetings where there can be training on how to manage several different cases at once without being confused, as well as other relevant topics in the case of management like privacy laws when recording/transcribing audio files and HIPAA confidentiality rules which apply while taking calls. This will help keep everything organized, so everyone knows what they are supposed to do during an emergency call.

The modern world is increasingly making it necessary for people to be able to reach emergency operators on phones regardless of where they are. It doesn’t matter if they need help from their home phone, cell phone, or even on social media—all that’s important is that people can access this service when they’re in trouble and get the assistance they need as soon as possible. This is why more people than ever before will be able to reach someone who has experience dealing with emergencies any time of day because there could always be a situation where they must call 911 immediately.