Raids in Warcraft Classic: What a Beginner Should Be Aware of

Warcraft Classic has become the greatest example of an MMORPG game. Even players who leave for the new Shadowlands or other similar games sooner or later return to the classic servers.

To succeed in the game, you need to have a sufficient amount of in-game currency, especially gold, since it can be used to purchase many important things. Mining gold is not easy work in Warcraft, so many players use the help of boosting services. Such companies allow you to save time and effort and not sit at the computer day and night. In addition to gold, in such services, you can order the passage of raids and dungeons, character leveling, and much more. The main thing to remember is that the order of wow classic gold should be carried out in reliable companies. In this case, you do not have to worry, because the order will be carried out by professional players as soon as possible.

Almost every player in World of Warcraft eventually considers raiding because it is a significant PvE element of the game. You are aware that there are four ways to complete a raid in World of Warcraft: flexible raid search, normal, heroic, and mythic. Accordingly, the flexible raid search is the easiest level, where players typically start untrained, while the mythic mode is the most challenging, requiring both an understanding of boss tactics and an understanding of their class. We’ll provide tips in this post for those who desire to test mythic mode but have never raided before.


Equipment is one of the main indicators that affect your game. It gives not only useful bonuses and characteristics but also increases your survival rate.

Azerite armor replaced the current sets that players wore until the release of Battle for Azeroth. At the moment, the player can wear three items of Azerite armor: helmet, breastplate, and shoulder pads. There are 3-4 Azerite boosts in each item. The first affects your damage directly, the second affects your survival rate, and the third increases the item level by 5.

Trinkets are, in simple terms, accessories. At the moment there are no clear top lists, as it was before, so every trinket can potentially be good. Each of the trinkets has certain characteristics and gives useful bonuses, but their use varies greatly. Theorycrafters very often simulate trinkets and make a list by which you can understand what to choose. You can view sample lists of top trinkets or azurite armor in the guides for your class.

The next thing you should rely on is special software that calculates your indicators and the indicators of your items and calculates the best combinations that are right for you.

Since the choice of trinkets is very large now, and tactics on bosses vary greatly, the set of trinkets may differ from boss to boss. In this case, you should open the rankings in the logs and see what other players choose.

Stones are inserted into all objects where there are sockets, and charms are hung on rings and weapons. In addition, there are enchantments on gloves that do not give bonuses in battle. Please note that hunters do not hang charms on their weapons — they use sights made by engineers.

Food can affect secondary characteristics and primary (strength, intelligence, or dexterity). Personal food is used for secondary characteristics, and a table is used for primary characteristics, which is placed alone on the raid.


Logs are a loyal friend of any average player. This is a battle log where all the information is recorded: what the players are wearing, how long the fight lasted, how much damage the players received, who and what abilities caused damage to the boss, and much more. The faster you learn how to analyze information in logs, the easier it will be for you to play.

Character Simulations

To calculate the conditional DPS or choose the optimal equipment, use special applications. There are different kinds of them on the market. Choose those that are updated regularly. We also advise you to choose web versions, so it will not be necessary for you to download something. Raidbots have all the basic functions that an average player needs to raid and put his character in order.


Addons are useful utilities that simplify the life of players. They give out additional information, help with character customization, and much more.


Discord (a company with a 98 rank in Forbes America’s Best Startup Employers 2022) is a messenger designed specifically for gamers. It allows you to chat, make calls to friends, or chat directly during a raid. It has become quite popular among WoW players. Guilds have their channels, there are channels by class and many others.

In class channels, you can get answers to your questions: usually, top players are quite willing to answer questions from newcomers, help to sort out logs, advise the best equipment, and much more.

Where to look for a guild?

After preparing your character for the raid, you can proceed directly to the search for the raid guild. Now people use several resources to find a new team. For example, WoWProgress.

Official World of Warcraft Forum

There are still a lot of players sitting on the official WoW forum. Sometimes it becomes a good resource for finding new statistics. The messages are placed in the “Search for players” section or on the subforums of certain game worlds.

The game features a channel where announcements regarding player recruitment are regularly posted, facilitated by hiring tracking. In our opinion, this is not the most effective way to find a gaming team, but it’s still worth considering.

Perhaps these are the main things that a beginner needs to know about when he wants to start participating in raids. Good luck!